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Homeopathy is a scientific medical alternative for treating a wide range of chronic ailments. The basic approch in Homeopathy is to evaluate the disease from its whole extent. At Dr Manisha’s Multispeciality Health Clinic, we treat respiratory infections from the root rather than suppressing its symptoms.

Dr Manisha’s Multispeciality Health Clinic helps in removing all types of allergies. We firmly believe in enchancing body’s own defence mechanism to maintain the healthy status without any side effect. Here, our aim is to enhance body’s own healing capacity so that the human system does not react adversely to the allergens, which are considered external factors affecting the system.

There are two type of Respiratory Disorders :




  • COPD

Infection leading to inflammation of the pharynx is referred to as pharyngitis. Since the tonsil are in close proximity with the pharynx they too are often involved in the infection leading to tonsillitis. Together, it is referred as pharyngotonsillitis or simply as sore throat. The common symptoms of sore throat are : Pain in throat especially while swallowing, fever, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting and some-times pain in the stomach as well.

Treatment at Dr Manisha’s

Individual tendency to frequent respiratory tract infection can best be treated with Homeopathic approach of individual treatment.
Dr Manisha’s Multispeciality Health Clinic treats acute and reccurring episode of RTI as well as the tendency to have infections or allergy. It is almost possible to avoid antibiotics and surgery (like sinus,tonsils) if one adopts Homeopathic alternative.
Our properly planned Dr Manisha’s Multispeciality Health Clinic helps in removing all types of allergies. The aim of our treatment is to improve and correct the body immunity, so, that it can successfully deal with the infection.

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Skin:-Urticaria, Psoriasis, Molluscum Contagiosum, Eczema, Warts, Vitiligo(White spots,Leucoderma), Acne, Pigmentation, Lichen Planus ,Dermatitis e.t.c Hair:- Alopeica areata,Male pattern Baldness(MPB),Female Pattern Baldness(FPB),Trichotillomania,Scalp Psoriasis Respiratory:- Asthma,Bronchitis,Adenoids, Tonsillitis, Sinusitus, Allergic Rhinitis, Nasal polyp, e.t.c Orthopedics:- Ankylosing Spondylitis, sciatica, cervical spondylosis,lumbar spondylosis, Migraine,etc Gastroenterology:- Piles, IBS, Anal Fissure, Anal fistula,Ulcerative colitis, GERD, Acidity, Constipation, Gasformation Female/Gynaecology:- Infertility, Poly Cystic Ovary Disease (PCOD or PCOS), Menopausal troubles, Fibroid, Fibroadenoma Male disorder:- Erectile dysfunction (ED) or Impotence, Premature ejaculation (PE), Oligospermia / Low Sperm Count / Azoospermia, Balanitis , , Gynecomastia, Prostate(BPH) Misc:- Thyroid disorder, haemophilia , anaemia, hypertension